Monday 18 December 2017


In his 'Mastery key to success', regarded business guru, Napoleon Hill speaks and develops the concept of ‘Cosmic Habit Force', or the actions of cosmic habits. He describes it as being ‘the law which gives definiteness of action to everything which moves through the entire universe’.

According to Hill, Cosmic Habit Force is the reason why a seed of wheat will always turn into wheat, why the four seasons keep coming back every 12 months in the same order and why planets rotate around stars and do not travel randomly throughout the universe.

Hill goes on and explains that the ‘Creator’ gave us, human beings, the one aspect over any other living things, and it is the power to control and take possession of our own mind.

We now know that the reason why we are able to transform our mind is because when we start to contemplate a new thought or focus on a new goal, our brain creates neural pathways and the chemicals that are sent to your body make us feel like we can achieve that goal and eventually make it reality.

Napoleon Hill thought that using the Cosmic Habit Force, you should, therefore, be able ‘to keep your mind occupy with circumstances you desire until a negative pattern is taken over and a new habit is developed.’

When you fix your attention on a goal and that focus is unshakable, you will soon witness the object of your focus materializing in your life!

The beauty is that you can choose which habits you want to let go of and which one you wish to develop and how you want to change and improve yourself.

Written by Melanie form TEP :)

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